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After studying at the FH universities of Graz and Potsdam, I started working as a freelancer in Berlin. I managed to work for well known clients like KaDeWe, Weber Stephen, Transgourmet, Grohe, Deutsche Post, Premium Group, sleek, QVEST, Weberbank Berlin, Cybex, and many others. Some of these clients were rewarded with Lead Awards, Red Dot Awards or ADC Awards, which makes me very proud. My participation varies from final artworks, image editing, pre-press to layout and art direction. I greatly enjoy that variety of tasks.

Besides magazines I also design print and online corporate communication projects – from the very first idea up to the printing process or the launch of the website.

I emphasize not only on a target group oriented design but also on a technically perfect product. Thats why I chose – among other things – print production and color management as a main subject during university.

Let’s build something together!


2008: Diploma Information-Design
2007: Erasmus term at FH Potsdam
2005–2006: Performance scholarships
for WS 2005/06 & SS 2006
2004–2008: Information-Design FH Joanneum, Graz
1998–2003: Higher technical college for IT, Kaindorf/Sulm
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